Perfection is an illusion

We all interpret the higher to the lower

I had the privilege of meeting Benjamin Creme and experiencing his profound spiritual presence firsthand. During my encounters with him, I realized that he made an error regarding the precession of the equinoxes, which he described as a solar cycle when it is a planetary one. This realization reminded me of a similar situation with Isaac Newton, who overlooked the irregular orbit of Mercury in his equations.

Despite these inaccuracies, I believe in the transformative power of Creme’s teachings. Like an electrical circuit, high initiates or spiritual masters are sources of profound knowledge. This knowledge is difficult for the general populace to grasp directly, so initiates, adepts, and disciples act as resistors, reducing the complexity and making the teachings more accessible. This process, although it results in some loss of energy, accuracy, and relevance, is essential for the gradual and complex evolution of spiritual and scientific knowledge. True evolution, whether spiritual or biological, cannot happen instantaneously but requires a slow and intricate process of transmission and assimilation.